Month: July 2021

  • Looking for Associate VA work? How to get the message out to established VAs who may need Associates

    looking for associate VA positions

    As a new VA, have you thought about looking for Associate VA work? Working as an Associate VA is a great way to boost your confidence and help establish yourself within the VA community.

    Many established VAs are actively looking for Associates to take on some of their client work to help ease their workload and expand their business.


  • 7 reasons why you shouldn’t take the VA Mastery Course

    The VA Mastery Course is our in-depth Virtual Assistant training course. It’s designed to give you the solid foundations needed to create the business you want and get it up and running. It’s ideal if you are looking at how to become a Virtual Assistant.

    However, if you’re looking to become a Virtual Assistant, you may be wondering whether it’s the right course for you. But it’s not always about the course being suitable for you – sometimes you may not be right for the course!

    So here are 7 reasons why you shouldn’t take the VA Mastery Course.